The CAG College

The new session starts! Join the 2024-2028 batch orientation at The Calcutta Anglo Gujarati College on 31st August 2024 at 11:30 am.

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Financial Aid For Eligible Students

Over 50 Professional Instructors

Infrastructure & Facilities


The new session starts! Join the 2024-2028 batch orientation at The Calcutta Anglo Gujarati College on 31st August 2024 at 11:30 am.

Financial Aid For Eligible Students

Over 50 Professional Instructors

Infrastructure & Facilities

Welcome to The Calcutta Anglo
Gujarati College

The board of Trustees: The trust is more than century old. It has been running an ISO certified educational institution recognized by the West Bengal Board of Primary, Secondary and council of Higher secondary Education and has been continuously achieving brilliant result for more than 120 years.

The Calcutta Gujarati Education Society situated in Central Kolkata behind the Tea Board near B.B.D Bag. It was the first of its kind Gujarati Education Society, founded in year 1893 in Eastern India by respectable, enthusiastic and dedicated patrons of education who started institution with only 20 students. However, it is untiring efforts of the management that this institution has grown in to mammoth school & college.



College Campus

The Calcutta Anglo Gujarati College has an impressive campus with all support facilities that cater to upgrade the academic & necessary requirement of its students including: Fully Wi-Fi campus enabled classrooms. Complete fire equipment & electronic fire alarm system. Presence of CCTV Surveillance room to ensure the safety to students & staff.


CAGC has an excellent infrastructure and modern facilties, which assist in conducting the various academic programs. Classroom are centrally air-conditioned, provided with modern audio visual systems and internet connection. These aesthetically designed classrooms are spacious, airy. Well lit and echo-proof to facilitate teaching-learning process.

College Library

The library serves as a backbone to all academic activities of CAGC. The library forms avery important arm and shares its commitment to excellence of its institute. A large spacious reading room provides a congenial environment for study and research work.

Computer Lab

The Computer Laboratory equipped with broadband internet connectivity constitutes an integral part of CAGC. It houses a server along with Intel Based Desktop PC’s, Thin clients with multiple 2Mbps Broadband internet connection for 24×7 internet browsing. The WiFi enabled campus helps students access high speed internet round the clock anywhere in the campus.

Language Lab

A State of the Art Multidimensional Language Lab catering to diverse functions is in operation. It provides technology – aided language teaching in small groups for more focused, individualistic, stress free & enjoyable learning experience and this contributes to further improvement of the communication skill of the students beyond the normal classroom teaching.

Latest Notice

  • Admissions Open for BBA & BCA (Academic Session 2024-25) First 30 students can avail Early Bird Access  Apply Now!

  • Forms will be submitted offline at college office.

  • CET forms to be filled by students available at

  • CET is mandatory for admission in BBA and BCA under MAKAUT affiliated colleges.

Cultural Event

A vibrant and cherished Festival celebrating the Goddess of Knowledge,...

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