Dear Aspirants,
The Calcutta Anglo Gujarati College has crated an intensive exertion in an array for precision, broadened its educational environment and facilities to leverage the expediencies. It is run by The Calcutta Anglo Gujarati Education Society(1893) which believes in imparting education at par. Our goal is to provide academic and professional resources, to prepare its students to function as prominent and responsible adherent toward the global community coupled with succor of experience faculty members. The college endorses the programs of Bachelors of Business Admisnitration and Bachelors of Computer Application(BCA) under the affiliation of MaulanaAbulKalam Azad University, West Bengal formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology(WBUT).
Our dogma is to expertise our student wth the new trends of technologies as the vision of the society is to motivate our students gather concrete knowledge through regular Industrial Visits and Seminars. College life will involve our student in enthusiastic surveys and projects beyond purely academic quests; the college offers a wide range of social, cultural and creative activities.
The agenda of the institution is to facilitate its new aspirants with Latest infrastructure as education is an incessant process and learning is endless as it has amplified its horizon towards the development of the scholar. I am confident that with the excretion of our experience and dedicated professors and efficient administrative, this institute with reach its heights and will snare new parameters for future technocrats and administrators.
With Best Wishes,
The Calcutta Gujarati Education Society
Kolkata, West Bengal