The CAG College

Conduct & Discipline

Ragging is Strictly prohibited at the college prmises. Instances of ragging will b dealt with seriousness by Anti-Ragging cell.

Every student must wear Identity Card as long as the students are physically present in college campus. It must be produced by the students when ever demanded by any faculty member or non teaching staff of the college.

Every student must come to college in formal attire.

Students should followe the decorum of public behavior & avoid the usage of abusive language & indecent manners among students or within college campus. Anybody going against the Norms of Conduct is liable to be expelled from the college.

Students must attend Seminars/Workshops/Presentations organized by the college.

Loitering in the corridors/infront of the main gate & in the auditorium during the college hours is strictly prohibited.


Regular & punctual attendance is compulsory for every enrolled student of the college as per West Bengal University of Technology regulation.

A student must: Attend at least 75% of lectures delivered or else they shall be barred frpm appearing in any examination.

Attendance in a subject shall be counted from the date of commencement of classes or admission enrollment.


The college will abide by the rules & regulations relating to matters of admission as per MAKAUT, WB norms.

Students must appear in two internals Exam being organized by college within the term period of the semester.

The decision made on the basis of & in accordance with the relevant rules in practice shall be final & binding.